Hi there , thanks for surfing by...

I'm Joe aka BlackShark, a Software Developer from Germany with an Interest in everything related, I'm a livelong learner and love to create and explore new Stuff

My Skills

(Programming and Scripting languages I work the most with)

PHPJavaScriptPythonHTML & CSSSQLC#

AutoItBatchCC++JavaPowershellShellVisual Basic (.NET)

(Frameworks and Tools)


A bit of history

My very first encounter with software development was tinkering with the Modding-SDK for The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim. In school and especially later during my apprenticeship as a Computer Science Expert (IHK) I got a real and in depth introduction into programming by learning the fundamentals of C and C++ as well as PHP (and Websites in general), the functionality of databases and SQL and every aspect of Object Oriented Programming. I also studied at university for some years and learned Java and spent a lot of time with math and algorithms. From that point on, I never stopped and kept going...

My Work

At the moment my main focus lies on developing websites and web-related projects (both Frontend and Backend), but in my freetime I am also looking to brighten my knowledge by getting into other areas of programming (like Game Dev). If you want to know what I am up to at the moment, check out my Blog.

Selected Work

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PythonFlaskJavaScriptHTML & CSS

Radiotracks is my own clone of Spotify

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PHPPythonJavaScriptHTML & CSSBootstrap

Newshub is an aggregator for news: It uses a scraper, which is written in Python, to collect RSS- and Atom-Feeds. The Frontend can be used to search through the massive database

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PMail is a REST-API that provides universal access to mailing (SMTP) and reading emails (IMAP)

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If you are interested in my work, you should take a look at some other projects of mine.

Send me a message

Got a question or proposal, or just want to say hello?

I'll never share your email with anyone else.